School Leadership Team » School Leadership Team

School Leadership Team

The School Leadership Team (SLT) is a group of people who develop educational policies for their school. They also make sure there are resources to support those policies.



  • Provide ongoing evaluations of a school’s educational programs and their impact on student achievement.
  • Play an important role in school-based decision-making
  • Help to make school cultures more collaborative.



Updated Guidance on Video Conferencing for Meetings

  • Before a SLT can use video conferencing, it must amend their by-laws to authorize the use of videoconferencing for meetings and address how committee and subcommittee meetings will be conducted. (Committees and subcommittees that are advisory only and include members of the public are not considered public bodies subject to OML; they may meet remotely)
  • SLT’s that wish to use videoconferencing must amend their bylaws and adopt written guidelines governing hybrid meeting attendance by members and the public in compliance with OML requirements. These guidelines must be conspicuously posted on the schools website.
  • Hybrid meetings must be recorded. The recordings must be posted/linked on the school's website no later than 5 business days after the meeting and remain there for at least 5 years. The recordings must also be transcribed upon request.
  • The meeting notice must state that videoconferencing will be used, and include the meeting link and where documents will be posted/available as well as the physical location of the meeting. A previous amendment to OML requires documents that will be discussed at a meeting to be distributed at least 24 hours in advance.


For more guidance on SLTs please visit: